Finding Solace and Connection in the Forest

Finding Solace and Connection in the Forest

Posted by Elizabeth Potts on

I went for a walk in the forest. A slow, warm rain was coming down collecting on spider webs, shimmering as the ocean breeze found its way through the dense greens to tickle them.

Raspberry and blackberry bushes growing wild, blueberries below my knees with enough to flood my tongue with pockets of sun and earth and sweetness while leaving some for the bees and birds and deer.

I love the way the trees hold one another in space. I stopped in front of three tall pines embracing an older one that had fallen, gray trunk fading with dignity and not a little sorrow. How good it must feel, then, to be loved and honored before you give yourself to the ecosystem below? To know that the tiny saplings and creatures need your body in decay as much as they did in life?


Moss, moss everywhere in endless colors and textures that make me consider the whorls on my fingertips for caressing. Fragile fungi too brilliant to comprehend holding old secrets and magics tightly in their spores while ants gossip and work around them.

Find me here, amongst the wild quiet things when my mind is too loud, when the city streets start taking more than it gives, when the pounding crush of responsibilities and overwhelm of political living threatens to take me under. Find me here, lips softly smiling and feet dirty reminding myself that nature loves me so much, loves you so much and all it wants for us is to live in pleasure

If only we let it 

Elizabeth x 

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